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Learn More About the Common Factors


Persuasion & Healing:

A Comparative Study of Psychotherapy

The classic that ignited awareness and excitement about the common factors. Jerome Frank describes his exploration to find the primary factors that lead to  healing in other cultures as well as change in Western psychotherapy.

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The Heart & Soul of Change:

Delivering What Works in Therapy

A valuable book for any psychotherapist, The Heart & Soul of Change is a smart and engaging look at the research that makes therapy effective. An excellent guide for a client-centered approach.


Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change

A classic text that is required in many graduate programs, "the Handbook" distills the current research for clinicians into tight and useful chapters.

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Psychotherapy Relationships that Work:

Evidence-Based Responsiveness

This book takes a deep look at the client-therapist relationship. It puts the current research about the vital therapeutic alliance into the hands of clinicians.

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Common Factors in

Couple and Family Therapy

This clearly written book explains how the common factors can deftly be incorporated into work with families and couples. It provides a concise overview of the common factors field and is full of useful practice guidance.


The Great Psychotherapy Debate:

The Evidence for What Makes Psychotherapy Work

This book answers the debate about which therapy model is the most effective through a rigorous meta-analytic examination of hundreds of psychotherapy outcome studies. It turns out there is relative equivalency in effectiveness - which underscores the vital role of the common factors.

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How and Why are Some

Therapists Better Than Others?

Research shows most therapists rate themselves in the top 25%, which is statistically impossible. Learn what factors truly make a therapist superior and  add them to your work.

Site References

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What Works in Therapy  |  Dr. Douglas Behan, DSW, LCSW

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